A series of short stories about the adventures of Space Cruiser Unbreakable and its motley crew. Each short story introduces a serious scientific topic about the universe, such as whether it is infinite, or is it possible to know anything about previous universes, and then explores it through the lens of the crew members and strange things happening to them.
On The Edge
Unbreakable encounters a strange spaceship mimicking all its movements. In addition, Space Compressor stop functioning so “Unbreakable” can only turn slowly using propulsion engines. The crew is in confusion, ready to take on a fight if needed. Chief Scientist Hernandez has a theory, decides to check the validity of a Javelin Argument, and they launch a missile at the ghost ship.
Symphony of Destruction
First Mate Lukic whistles the same tune all the time and annoys everyone. Space Compressor acts suspiciously, and Chief Scientist Hernandez registers an external force field interfering with her sensors and equipment. Are these just strange coincidences or is there something mysterious in the corner of the universe?
Space Sledgehammer
While executing a flight through the poorly studied region of the universe, the crew finds the ship stuck inside the planet. What happened and is there a way out?
Lost Drifters
While delivering a full cargo of toys to the planet, which name is translated as “Mushroom Sunrise”, the crew decides to play one of the games themselves as the team building activity, accidentally getting rich along the way.
Mergen Tactics
“Unbreakable” arrives at the biggest marketplace in the Milky Way to sell the cargo of precious minerals. While the crew goes shopping, First Mate Lukic is left at the ship to oversee the sale. As First Mate learns new negotiation tactics, the sale does not go according to plan.
Chief Scientist Hernandez makes a terrifying discovery on the ship, after which the crew deliberates on the existence of objective reality.
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